Sunday, September 29, 2024

Only in Your Dreams by Madison Wright


Finley Blankenship is tired of always coming up short. When her long-time boyfriend dumps her because he isn’t ready to commit, only to announce his engagement to someone else months later, she’s had it. So when her now ex comes to her flower shop to check how she’s doing after hearing the news, she lies and tells him she’s moved on. Only for her brother’s best friend to walk in at the same time and get roped into her story. Committed to playing the part, she reluctantly agrees to pretend to be in a relationship with the one man in their small town that would never actually date her.

Grey Sutton has been in love with Finley for fifteen years, but he’s never thought he had a chance. After all, he’s an honorary member of the Blankenship family because his own is so dysfunctional. He has no idea how to give Finley what she wants. Especially since he was offered a job out of state, and Finley is as rooted in this town as the trees.

But as their relationship starts to feel less and less like a charade, it leaves them with more uncertainty than ever. Lines start to blur, and Grey and Finley have to decide if they’re willing to risk their hearts to have everything they’ve ever dreamed of.

My Review: 5 Stars

When two broken souls meet, they find their missing pieces in each other. 

From the moment I picked up Finley and Grey's story, I was transported back to Fontana Ridge and all the magic this small town possesses. I just couldn't wait to watch their story unfold. And oh what a story it was! 

Finley and Grey have known each other for years and have pretty much loved each other just as long. They both have been through so much and have a hard time believing that there is someone out there for them that they are deserving of. It had my heart breaking. But the more time they spent together, the more they were able to open up to each other and see each other as they truly are. They saw the good, the bad, and the ugly. And all they wanted to do was protect and lift each other up, be there for each other, and show each other that they are enough. 

I truly believe that no two people ever read the same book. This book, I think, is definitely one of them. 

Words cannot articulate all the feelings I have for this book. I went into it thinking the story would play out in a certain kind of way, but then it went in a whole other direction. A direction that had me seeing a deeper meaning, a deeper message, one that I needed to hear. This book is phenomenal! 

I've only read two books by Ms. Wright, but she is quickly making her way up my favorite authors list. I've loved the books I've read so far and can't wait to read more by her! 

And of course I can't forget my casting. I'm seriously loving these two! 

Content: Mild to moderate swearing; innuendo; lots of sizzling kisses; closed door/fade to black.
Friday, September 27, 2024

Merry Little Hate Notes by Jennifer Peel


Nothing says I love you like a merry little hate note.

A woman does her very best to avoid at least one of the following people in her an annoying coworker, her brother’s best friend, and her first kiss. Unfortunately, for me, all three happen to be the same person—Brandon Cassidy. I’ve done my best to avoid the man, even if it means working in the ladies’ room whenever he visits the main office. Sadly, my days of hiding are coming to an end because I’ve been assigned to assist Brandon through the end of the year. The holiday season is already hard for me, but this . . . this is just the icing on the fruitcake that is my life. To add insult to injury, Brandon resurrects our old childhood game—the hate note game. I’m trying to resist the urge to engage, because do I ever have some hateful things to say to him. But that’s only because I really used to love him. Ugh. Please don’t repeat that. Like ever.

Sometimes you want something so badly, you do things you regret. Like kissing your best friend’s little sister on her sweet sixteen and then letting her believe it was all a dare. I’ve tried my best to move on from Holly St. James over the years, but how do you forget the girl you fell in love with before you even liked girls? When the opportunity arises to work closely with Holly, I jump at it. Unfortunately, the woman does her best to ignore me. So, I devise the only plan I can think of to get her attention—the hate note game. Anything to get her to talk to me. Because there are things she needs to know. First, how sorry I am. Second, I’ve never stopped loving her.

My Review: 5 Stars!

When life gives you lemons, throw them back, and curl up with a good book. After the last couple of weeks I've had, I could not wait to do just that. I woke up early this morning, did all the things I needed to do, put my pajamas back on, and just read the day away. Best. Day. Ever. 😍

What can I say about Holly and Brandon. *dreamy sigh* Oh holy swooniness with a side of all the feels Batman. These two were made for each other. Between their banter, merry little hate notes, smokin' hot kisses, sweet moments, and seeing each other in a way no one else has before, had me rooting for them throughout their entire journey. And oh what a journey it was! There's a lot of hurt and guilt they had to wade through to get it, but if ever anyone needed a HEA, it would be Holly and Brandon. 

Now, don't let the mention of hurt and guilt fool you. While this book has some heartachingly beautiful moments, it had even more hilarious ones. Y'all. I just can't with everyone in this book! Between Holly and Brandon, and the rest of the crew I may or may not have snort laughed a time or two... or five. Gah! I loved this book and did not want it to end! It's absolute perfection!

It always feels like Christmas morning whenever I get my hands on one of Ms. Peel's book babies for the first time. I swear they just keep getting better and better! I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next! 

Y'all. I absolutely love, love, LOVE this casting! They definitely give me heart eyes! What do you think?!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Off the Beaten Path by Madison Wright


Wren Daniels is in over her head.

Between organizing a charity auction and trying to renovate a cabin she can’t afford, she’s barely keeping her head above water. The only bright spot is her new friend she met on an anonymous dating app four months ago. That is, until she discovers he’s the last person she would have expected—her grumpy neighbor who she’s never gotten along with.

Holden Blankenship likes his life just the way it is.

After his wife left him, he spent years putting his life back together. Now he’s got his daughter who is the light of his world, his family, and surprisingly, an anonymous friend. But when his anonymous friend turns out to be his neighbor who drives him crazy, he’s not sure what to make of it. Especially when her contractor backs out of her cabin renovation project and he finds himself offering to help her. Now Wren is getting under his skin in a completely different way and turning all his carefully laid plans upside down.

As Wren continues to show up for Holden and Holden keeps proving to Wren that he’s not really as standoffish as he seems, the lines between friendship and more start to blur.

Their relationship may have gotten off to an unusual start, but some of the best things in life are just a little off the beaten path.

My Review: 5 Stars!

Have you ever picked up a book and within a very short time of reading it, you just knew it was going to be one of your favorites? Well, that's what happened to me the moment I could imagine little June's high pitched giggles in my head and her telling Holden that he still has to put money in the swear jar even if he whispers it. Oh my heart! Y'all. That little munchkin stole my heart! 

Wren and Holden were equally amazing. I couldn't get enough of those two! The relationship these two had was fantastic! From enemies, to friends, to something more. I laughed, got teary eyed, let out all the little dreamy sighs, and turned into a big ol' pile of goo on several occasions. All I can say is sit down, buckle up, and hold on tight because the journey of Wren, Holden and little June will be one of the best ones you'll experience. I know I'll be enjoying that journey over and over and over again. Gah! I just loved it! 

I absolutely adored the small town of Fontana Ridge and everyone in it. From the meddling biddies, Myra and Melissa, to Wren's best friend Stevie, to Finley and Grey. They made the story even better. Have I told you yet how much I loved this book?!

Y'all. Ms. Wright did an phenomenal job sucking me and keeping me entertained from start to finish. One book in and I'm already invested in this series. I can't wait to get my hands on Finley and Grey's story. Thank goodness I don't have to wait long for it. September 27th can't get here soon enough! Hehe. 

As for my casting... y'all. I. Am. In. Love! What do you think?

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Spy Who Ghosted Me by Jennifer Peel


Are you ready to get ghosted?

Three years ago, I fell truly, madly, deeply in love. It was kind of hard not to when Cash Denton, the sexiest man alive, literally ran into me on the streets of Bordeaux, France, and kissed me. Best. Meet. Cute. Ever. That led to the best two months of my life. Or . . . so I thought, until Cash disappeared into thin air. At first, I assumed he was in a coma or had amnesia after a tragic accident, since there’s no way he would have left me. But that was just wishful thinking because, you guessed it, he ghosted me with a capital G.

So, you can imagine my surprise when he suddenly shows back up in my life at my parents’ resort—while I’m there for my sister’s wedding, no less. It’s the last thing I need, seeing as one, I hate drama, and two, I’m pretty sure my sister’s fiancé isn’t who he says he is. There’s a lot of that going around, apparently. Because get Cash, or whatever his real name is, claims to be a spy. You heard me right—a spy. If that wasn’t crazy enough, he wants me to pretend to be his girlfriend so he can keep tabs on the supposed diamond smuggler my sister is marrying. I’m not sure who or what to believe. All I know is, this wedding is way more than I bargained for and there is nothing pretend about my feelings for Cash or whoever he is. But can a regular girl and her ghost live happily ever after? Or will the spy turn out to be just another ghost story?

My Review: 5 Stars!

**WARNING** Do NOT start this book if you have plans to get things done. I'm here to tell you that it just isn't going to happen. Who needs food in their bellies and/or clean clothes when you have The Spy Who Ghosted Me calling your name?! 

Where do I even begin to tell you how much I loved this book?! First. This book is perfection! Second. This book is absolute perfection! Third. Did I mention this book is absolute perfection?! Well, in my opinion, it is! Gah! You guys! This is the kind of book I have been craving! They have been few and far between for me this year so I found myself treasuring every single moment of this ooey gooey swoony deliciousness! 

Sabrina and Cash are fantastic! They're both loyal, kind, loving, fiercely protective, and will do anything in their power to make sure the people they care about most are safe and happy. I loved watching these two get to know each other better. I don't think Cash knew what to do or say to Sabrina at times. Growing up the way he had made it hard to believe some of the things she did and said. 

Sabrina saw Cash differently than he saw himself. She saw his worth when nobody else did. She saw the amazing man he didn't even know existed. She helped him to see himself as she sees him. It was beautiful to watch. I have to say that these two are absolutely perfect for each other in life and love. Watching them finally getting their HEA had me letting out all the little dreamy sighs. 

Y'all know how much I love me some side characters and this book was loaded with them! I found myself laughing out loud during some antics and I fell in love with them just as much as I did Sabrina and Cash. Have a mentioned this book is absolute perfection yet?

Ms. Peel continues to surprise me with each and every book she releases. I love how she's not afraid to step out of her comfort zone to bring us new and exciting stories. I, for one, would love to see more Sabrina and Cash! I think a spy series could be a lot of fun! 

As for my casting... y'all. These two are perfection! What do you think?

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Relationship Clause by Emily Evermore


Keeping an eye out for corporate espionage is hard enough when you're not falling for the boss...

The gig of fake secretary is find the mole trying to sabotage my grumpy boss's tech company while simultaneously keeping his mother off his back. In the meantime, I get to collect a tidy sum which I desperately need.

Piece of cake.

Or, it would be, if he wasn't so attractive and he didn't also happen to be my best friend's brother...

But I can be professional. I'm terrible at long-term relationships anyway and besides that, I signed a contract.

Unfortunately, nowhere in that contract did it say I'd be going on an overnight trip with him.

It also didn't say we'd be pretending we were in a real relationship.

And for sure there was no warning or clause or stipulation for how to conduct myself when I accidentally see my fake boyfriend/boss in just his briefs passed out on my bed.

Worst of all?

No one said falling for him would hurt so much.

My Review: 5 Stars

Y'all. It's been months since I've been able to read something new. MONTHS! It finally took two little words to grab my attention. Corporate espionage. 

Oh holy swooniness with all the feels Batman! Where do I even begin?! I absolutely adored this book! It had everything I've come to love and crave in the books I read. All the feels? ✓ Swoony? ✓ Sizzling kisses? ✓ Giggled/laughed out loud? ✓ Let out all the little dreamy sighs? ✓ Sweet moments between characters? ✓ Big gestures? ✓

From the very beginning I fell in love with all things Junie and Owen. It wasn't hard to root for them. They were easy to relate to and they just felt real to me. Both of them have issues when it comes to relationships but I loved how they pushed and helped each other to become better and more confident. Watching these two get their HEA turned me into a big ol' pile of goo. Gah! I just loved them! 

I've said it before and I will continue to say it. I love amazing side characters and this one had a few of them. My two favorite? Keira and Shane. Y'all. These two are seriously the best. They were the best friends that our beloved Junie and Owen could ask for. They loved them unconditionally, imperfections and all. I'm definitely looking forward to their story. 

This was my first book by Ms. Evermore and it definitely will not be my last. I'm looking forward to reading more book in this series. Even if May 2025 feels like a million years away... I'm definitely invested.  

As for my casting... I wasn't going to do one. But these two just called to me so I had to add them. I'm kind of in love. What do you think?

Sunday, March 24, 2024

The Proximity Factor by Jennifer Peel



So . . . I signed up for something. Not a gym or Costco membership, which probably would have been wiser. Oh no, I signed up for a social experiment. You heard me right. I, Lanie Davenport, am going to be the subject of a scientific study. Do I know what this study is for? Not exactly. But I know it means I have to live with a stranger for twelve weeks and do a video diary once a week, answering the researchers’ questions. The bright side is that I’m getting paid, like a lot of money. The downside is that my roommate isn’t a woman like I supposed. I thought I would get a new BFF, but in her place is one Parker Remington. Mr. broody-leave-the-toilet-seat-up-don’t-talk-to-me-or-organize-my-Pop-Tarts-in-the-pantry. You get the picture.

But this I can’t have. I don’t know what this experiment is about, but I’m going to save it and make a difference in the world. And whether Parker likes it or not, he’s going to help me. Well, maybe. He’s a tough nut to crack, and I should probably leave well enough alone. But there’s just something about my gorgeous, older, genius-level roommate that makes me want to find out what makes him tick. I have a feeling if he would let me into his world, it would change mine.

But experimenting with the heart is the most dangerous research around. You never know what the outcome will be.

My Review: 5 Stars!

Y'all. I know I say this all the time when it comes to books I ADORE but...

Oh. My. Heart! You guys! Where do I even begin to tell you how much I absolutely LOVED this book! Once I started, I could NOT put it down and I did NOT want it to end! The saying by Jane Austen is absolutely true for this book... "If a book is well written, I always find it too short." Y'all... I definitely wanted MORE! Perfection! Absolute perfection!

I am seriously SO in love with Lanie and Parker! These two will forever hold a special place in my heart! I just could not get enough of them! Both of them have past hurts that they have struggled to come to terms with. But one of the things I loved most about watching their relationship develop was seeing them help each other to see themselves through the others eyes. It was such a beautiful thing to behold. The awe and wonder I pictured on their faces when they finally realized it felt magical and had me letting out all the dreamy little sighs. The feels are most definitely real in this one and I loved every single minute of it!

And can we please just take a minute to recognize how amazing all the toe curling kisses are?! WOWZERS! I do have to say that, for a girl who loves kisses to happen sooner rather than later in books, their first kiss was definitely worth the wait! I seriously love how Ms. Peel does not shy away from nor is she stingy with all those kisses. They always seem to turn me into a big ol' pile of ooey gooey deliciousness. I have three words for you... hot... hot... HOT!

If you have ever wondered why Ms. Peel is one of my favorite authors, this book is a prime example. Just when I think her books can't get any better, she releases another one. She's one of the authors that I have to remind myself that writing takes time. But that doesn't mean I don't stalk her constantly, waiting her for next release. If you haven't read anything by her before, you are most definitely missing out! I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next!
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Despite Mortal Sins by Anna Hawke


Death may shatter a soul, but a Reaper picks up the pieces.

In the span of a single, bloody hour, Rukia’s world collapses. Outwitted by their enemies, their resulting brutality thrusts her into a role she never wanted. Devastated and mourning, she’s forced to come to terms with the changing face of Elemental society—and the man who is her fated mate.

As a Reaper, Isaiah embodies living death, holding the power to claim a soul with a single touch. After centuries of shielding himself for the sake of others, his defenses are breached by a woman vulnerable to his vicious abilities. When one tragedy spurs another, Isaiah must decide if Rukia’s love is worth risking her life.

Neither can fight against the feral desire that burns between them—nor the need for revenge against those who’ve wronged them. But demanding penance for the sins of their enemies risks an eternal cost, and the next day is never guaranteed.

As their lives crumble around them, everything will either fall into place—or into pieces.

My Review: 5 Stars!

Confession. I almost skipped over this one because Rukia and Isaiah kind of rubbed me the wrong way in the other books. While they were both extremely protective over their nations, their actions at times didn't endear me to them like all the other characters did.

Y'all. I am happy to admit how very wrong I was about these two! There is a reason why they are the way they are. From the outside looking in, you just don't see it. You have to immerse yourself into all things Rukia and Isaiah to understand them and where they're coming from.

Tragedy brought these two together and tragedy almost tore them apart. But Rukia is stubborn and refused to give up no matter what Isaiah did. I loved watching their relationship grow from enemies into something more. I loved seeing the growth both individually and as a couple. The chemistry between these two was jumping off the charts! All those swoony kisses and sweet moments had me letting out all the little dreamy sighs.

I honestly can't get enough of this series! It dawned on me while reading this book that there is only one book left that's been released and then I'll have to wait for the remaining books to come out. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. How in the world am I going to top this series?! *sigh* The problems of a Book Dragon.

I am loving this world that Ms. Hawke has created. So many twists and turns. So much heartache and happiness. So much of everything. This series screams with all the feels and I can't wait to dive back in to see just what's going to happen next!

As for my casting, I saw different people for Rukia and Isaiah. But as I started reading their story, they changed in my head. I am loving these two so much more than the others. They just seem to fit for me.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

From Tortured Fates by Anna Hawke



No one is safe from the monster inside their head.

Abducted by an organization that’s pledged to eradicate all immortals, Lucius is robbed of more than just his freedom. Tortured and blinded, the volatile predator within him surfaces, bringing with it a wave of bloodlust. After an eternity of torment, he’s given up on being rescued—given up on staying sane.

Though she’s young, Circe’s unique tracking ability allows her to find the vampire elder when all hope had been lost. But finding him isn’t the hard part—it’s keeping him alive. As Circe heals his devastating wounds, her soul stirs, drawing them together with a fated mate bond she never saw coming.

His abductors stalk the shadows behind them, determined to recapture him. As Lucius begins to succumb to the poison in his veins, the starving predator within becomes more ravenous—and it’s her blood that calls to him.

After all, a starving vampire is a dangerous one.

My Review: 5 Stars

Oh my heart! Y'all. This book has wrecked me for the foreseeable future. I just can't with how much I loved this book! I know I'm not finished with the series yet but this is by far my favorite! I honestly don't see any other one topping it. 

Circe and Lucius will forever hold a special place in my heart. The traumatic turn their story took literally broke my heart into a million pieces. The depths of emotions this book evoked in me was palpable. So much heartache, anguish, and fear had me on the edge of my seat unable to put the book down. I found myself needing to see the light come back into their eyes, needing the love they both so desperately yearned for seep deep into their souls, needing to see them happy and whole. Their story was so heartachingly beautiful. I loved every single minute of it. If ever two people needed a happily ever after, it was Circe and Lucius.  

If you haven't guessed already, I am seriously loving this series. It feels like it's been forever since a series has completely captivated me. The world Ms. Hawke has created is unique and intriguing. From beginning to end, I feel like I have been transported to wherever her beloved characters are, living life right there by their sides. I can already tell this is a series that I will be reading over and over again. 

If you haven't read anything by Ms. Hawke yet, I highly recommend you give her books a try. She has officially been added to be favorite authors/auto-buy list. I have loved everything I have read of hers so far and I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next! 

I know I say this all the time when it comes to my casting but... I am seriously loving these two! *dreamy sigh*