Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Relationship Clause by Emily Evermore


Keeping an eye out for corporate espionage is hard enough when you're not falling for the boss...

The gig of fake secretary is find the mole trying to sabotage my grumpy boss's tech company while simultaneously keeping his mother off his back. In the meantime, I get to collect a tidy sum which I desperately need.

Piece of cake.

Or, it would be, if he wasn't so attractive and he didn't also happen to be my best friend's brother...

But I can be professional. I'm terrible at long-term relationships anyway and besides that, I signed a contract.

Unfortunately, nowhere in that contract did it say I'd be going on an overnight trip with him.

It also didn't say we'd be pretending we were in a real relationship.

And for sure there was no warning or clause or stipulation for how to conduct myself when I accidentally see my fake boyfriend/boss in just his briefs passed out on my bed.

Worst of all?

No one said falling for him would hurt so much.

My Review: 5 Stars

Y'all. It's been months since I've been able to read something new. MONTHS! It finally took two little words to grab my attention. Corporate espionage. 

Oh holy swooniness with all the feels Batman! Where do I even begin?! I absolutely adored this book! It had everything I've come to love and crave in the books I read. All the feels? ✓ Swoony? ✓ Sizzling kisses? ✓ Giggled/laughed out loud? ✓ Let out all the little dreamy sighs? ✓ Sweet moments between characters? ✓ Big gestures? ✓

From the very beginning I fell in love with all things Junie and Owen. It wasn't hard to root for them. They were easy to relate to and they just felt real to me. Both of them have issues when it comes to relationships but I loved how they pushed and helped each other to become better and more confident. Watching these two get their HEA turned me into a big ol' pile of goo. Gah! I just loved them! 

I've said it before and I will continue to say it. I love amazing side characters and this one had a few of them. My two favorite? Keira and Shane. Y'all. These two are seriously the best. They were the best friends that our beloved Junie and Owen could ask for. They loved them unconditionally, imperfections and all. I'm definitely looking forward to their story. 

This was my first book by Ms. Evermore and it definitely will not be my last. I'm looking forward to reading more book in this series. Even if May 2025 feels like a million years away... I'm definitely invested.  

As for my casting... I wasn't going to do one. But these two just called to me so I had to add them. I'm kind of in love. What do you think?