Friday, September 27, 2024

Merry Little Hate Notes by Jennifer Peel


Nothing says I love you like a merry little hate note.

A woman does her very best to avoid at least one of the following people in her an annoying coworker, her brother’s best friend, and her first kiss. Unfortunately, for me, all three happen to be the same person—Brandon Cassidy. I’ve done my best to avoid the man, even if it means working in the ladies’ room whenever he visits the main office. Sadly, my days of hiding are coming to an end because I’ve been assigned to assist Brandon through the end of the year. The holiday season is already hard for me, but this . . . this is just the icing on the fruitcake that is my life. To add insult to injury, Brandon resurrects our old childhood game—the hate note game. I’m trying to resist the urge to engage, because do I ever have some hateful things to say to him. But that’s only because I really used to love him. Ugh. Please don’t repeat that. Like ever.

Sometimes you want something so badly, you do things you regret. Like kissing your best friend’s little sister on her sweet sixteen and then letting her believe it was all a dare. I’ve tried my best to move on from Holly St. James over the years, but how do you forget the girl you fell in love with before you even liked girls? When the opportunity arises to work closely with Holly, I jump at it. Unfortunately, the woman does her best to ignore me. So, I devise the only plan I can think of to get her attention—the hate note game. Anything to get her to talk to me. Because there are things she needs to know. First, how sorry I am. Second, I’ve never stopped loving her.

My Review: 5 Stars!

When life gives you lemons, throw them back, and curl up with a good book. After the last couple of weeks I've had, I could not wait to do just that. I woke up early this morning, did all the things I needed to do, put my pajamas back on, and just read the day away. Best. Day. Ever. 😍

What can I say about Holly and Brandon. *dreamy sigh* Oh holy swooniness with a side of all the feels Batman. These two were made for each other. Between their banter, merry little hate notes, smokin' hot kisses, sweet moments, and seeing each other in a way no one else has before, had me rooting for them throughout their entire journey. And oh what a journey it was! There's a lot of hurt and guilt they had to wade through to get it, but if ever anyone needed a HEA, it would be Holly and Brandon. 

Now, don't let the mention of hurt and guilt fool you. While this book has some heartachingly beautiful moments, it had even more hilarious ones. Y'all. I just can't with everyone in this book! Between Holly and Brandon, and the rest of the crew I may or may not have snort laughed a time or two... or five. Gah! I loved this book and did not want it to end! It's absolute perfection!

It always feels like Christmas morning whenever I get my hands on one of Ms. Peel's book babies for the first time. I swear they just keep getting better and better! I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next! 

Y'all. I absolutely love, love, LOVE this casting! They definitely give me heart eyes! What do you think?!


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