Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Spy Who Ghosted Me by Jennifer Peel


Are you ready to get ghosted?

Three years ago, I fell truly, madly, deeply in love. It was kind of hard not to when Cash Denton, the sexiest man alive, literally ran into me on the streets of Bordeaux, France, and kissed me. Best. Meet. Cute. Ever. That led to the best two months of my life. Or . . . so I thought, until Cash disappeared into thin air. At first, I assumed he was in a coma or had amnesia after a tragic accident, since there’s no way he would have left me. But that was just wishful thinking because, you guessed it, he ghosted me with a capital G.

So, you can imagine my surprise when he suddenly shows back up in my life at my parents’ resort—while I’m there for my sister’s wedding, no less. It’s the last thing I need, seeing as one, I hate drama, and two, I’m pretty sure my sister’s fiancĂ© isn’t who he says he is. There’s a lot of that going around, apparently. Because get Cash, or whatever his real name is, claims to be a spy. You heard me right—a spy. If that wasn’t crazy enough, he wants me to pretend to be his girlfriend so he can keep tabs on the supposed diamond smuggler my sister is marrying. I’m not sure who or what to believe. All I know is, this wedding is way more than I bargained for and there is nothing pretend about my feelings for Cash or whoever he is. But can a regular girl and her ghost live happily ever after? Or will the spy turn out to be just another ghost story?

My Review: 5 Stars!

**WARNING** Do NOT start this book if you have plans to get things done. I'm here to tell you that it just isn't going to happen. Who needs food in their bellies and/or clean clothes when you have The Spy Who Ghosted Me calling your name?! 

Where do I even begin to tell you how much I loved this book?! First. This book is perfection! Second. This book is absolute perfection! Third. Did I mention this book is absolute perfection?! Well, in my opinion, it is! Gah! You guys! This is the kind of book I have been craving! They have been few and far between for me this year so I found myself treasuring every single moment of this ooey gooey swoony deliciousness! 

Sabrina and Cash are fantastic! They're both loyal, kind, loving, fiercely protective, and will do anything in their power to make sure the people they care about most are safe and happy. I loved watching these two get to know each other better. I don't think Cash knew what to do or say to Sabrina at times. Growing up the way he had made it hard to believe some of the things she did and said. 

Sabrina saw Cash differently than he saw himself. She saw his worth when nobody else did. She saw the amazing man he didn't even know existed. She helped him to see himself as she sees him. It was beautiful to watch. I have to say that these two are absolutely perfect for each other in life and love. Watching them finally getting their HEA had me letting out all the little dreamy sighs. 

Y'all know how much I love me some side characters and this book was loaded with them! I found myself laughing out loud during some antics and I fell in love with them just as much as I did Sabrina and Cash. Have a mentioned this book is absolute perfection yet?

Ms. Peel continues to surprise me with each and every book she releases. I love how she's not afraid to step out of her comfort zone to bring us new and exciting stories. I, for one, would love to see more Sabrina and Cash! I think a spy series could be a lot of fun! 

As for my casting... y'all. These two are perfection! What do you think?


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