Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happily Ever After Thursday - Week 1

We are so excited for our first annual 
Have Yourself a Very Swoony Christmas event,

Many book characters seem to become a part of our lives.
Sometimes we really want to get to know them better
and enjoy their romance for just a little bit longer.
Each Thursday, we will be spotlighting 
one of our swoony Christmas couples.

This week, we'll be getting to know
Maddie & Bear 
from The Lumberjack's Yuletide Bride by Kimberly Krey.

1. What do you like to do on a romantic date?

Bear: Anything that involves the outdoors, pretty much. Especially when it's cold out and Maddie has to cuddle up to me.

Maddie: I love the outdoors too, but I'm equally fond of a cozy night with a warm fire and good food.

2. What do you like most about each other?

Bear: I love that Maddie is genuine. She isn't trying to be someone she's not for the sake of impressing people. She's beautiful, fun-loving, and she'll make an incredible mother one day. 

Maddie: Bear has these contrasting parts that make him fascinating. Apart from being handsome and witty, he's strong, physically and mentally. Contrasting that is the fact that he’s also gentle and loving. And while he has a business to run, Bear makes time for the important people in his life. Mainly his mother, sister, and me.

3. What is your favorite way to spend time together?
Bear: Do you really want me to answer that?

Maddie: (*smacks Bear on the arm) I love going logging with him. Going to football games at Cobble Creek High. And shopping along Main Street when it’s lit up at night.

4. What are three things on your bucket list?

Bear: To take Maddie to Germany one day.

Maddie: Yeah, we want to go to Germany. We’ve talked about going on an Alaskan Cruise, we’d love that. And I don’t know if this really belongs on a bucket list, but we’d both like to see our moms get remarried, and see our sisters end up with great guys too.

Bear: Definitely.

5. What is “your song”? 

Bear: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Maddie: Yeah, that’s it for sure.

6. What is the craziest date you’ve been on?

Bear: Should we count the one where we were Chefs for the day?

Maddie: That was definitely different. Oh, how about the one where we went sledding on a double date with Kate and Cam, and then Willy showed up with his date and tried racing you down the hill!

Bear: That’s the craziest one for sure, since poor Willy’s boots fell off and his date had to carry them down the hill for him.

7. What is your favorite holiday tradition?

Bear: Going out and picking that choice Christmas tree.

Maddie: Definitely. And getting the holiday brownies at Tops Bakery.

8. How would you describe each other to someone else in three words?

Bear: Maddie is bright, beautiful, and selfless.

Maddie: Bear is passionate, caring, and courageous. And handsome, can’t forget that one.


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