Monday, February 1, 2021

Book of the Month - February 2021


Welcome to
KJ's Book Nook
Book of the Month! 

From the moment I started reading this book, I was hooked! I could not devour it fast enough! This book was one of those that I wanted all my bookish friends to drop whatever they were reading and start reading it right that very second! This is one of those books that you don't forget. This book is the reason that I tried to talk the other Swoony Award hosts into allowing all of us to choose TWO books for our 2020 Swoony Awards. This book is the whole reason I started my Book of the Month. Because, y'all! If I could give this book a Swoony Award right now, I would! It. Is. That. Good! 

How do you make a long-distance relationship last? Don't fall for your brother's best friend.

While on deployment, Jake Murphy takes to online dating hoping to find someone to share forever with back home. His connection with a beautiful kindergarten teacher is everything he was looking for. That is, until he realizes she's his best friend's sister.

After being dumped by her high school sweetheart, Ivy Brooks gets pushed into online dating by her well-meaning friends. Despite her reluctance, she hits it off with a handsome Marine. Too bad her brother would never be cool with her dating one of his friends... especially after what happened last time.

Jake and Ivy know they shouldn't keep talking, but late-night flirting and inside jokes leave them both glued to their phones. Their secret is bound to come out sooner or later. Will their love survive the fallout?

You can check out my review here.

Happy reading my fellow Book Dragons!


  1. Looks like I need to check this series out!

    1. You really do! I've been dying to know what you think of it!

  2. Replies
    1. Wasn't it amazing?! I can't wait to read her new series set in Hawaii!

  3. Woohoo! I keep seeing her books and want to read them.

    1. You definitely need to! I think you will LOVE them!

  4. I will definitely check it out now. I love books that you immediately want to share like that!

    1. She quickly became a favorite and auto-buy author for me! Her books are always fun!
