Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Despite Mortal Sins by Anna Hawke


Death may shatter a soul, but a Reaper picks up the pieces.

In the span of a single, bloody hour, Rukia’s world collapses. Outwitted by their enemies, their resulting brutality thrusts her into a role she never wanted. Devastated and mourning, she’s forced to come to terms with the changing face of Elemental society—and the man who is her fated mate.

As a Reaper, Isaiah embodies living death, holding the power to claim a soul with a single touch. After centuries of shielding himself for the sake of others, his defenses are breached by a woman vulnerable to his vicious abilities. When one tragedy spurs another, Isaiah must decide if Rukia’s love is worth risking her life.

Neither can fight against the feral desire that burns between them—nor the need for revenge against those who’ve wronged them. But demanding penance for the sins of their enemies risks an eternal cost, and the next day is never guaranteed.

As their lives crumble around them, everything will either fall into place—or into pieces.

My Review: 5 Stars!

Confession. I almost skipped over this one because Rukia and Isaiah kind of rubbed me the wrong way in the other books. While they were both extremely protective over their nations, their actions at times didn't endear me to them like all the other characters did.

Y'all. I am happy to admit how very wrong I was about these two! There is a reason why they are the way they are. From the outside looking in, you just don't see it. You have to immerse yourself into all things Rukia and Isaiah to understand them and where they're coming from.

Tragedy brought these two together and tragedy almost tore them apart. But Rukia is stubborn and refused to give up no matter what Isaiah did. I loved watching their relationship grow from enemies into something more. I loved seeing the growth both individually and as a couple. The chemistry between these two was jumping off the charts! All those swoony kisses and sweet moments had me letting out all the little dreamy sighs.

I honestly can't get enough of this series! It dawned on me while reading this book that there is only one book left that's been released and then I'll have to wait for the remaining books to come out. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. How in the world am I going to top this series?! *sigh* The problems of a Book Dragon.

I am loving this world that Ms. Hawke has created. So many twists and turns. So much heartache and happiness. So much of everything. This series screams with all the feels and I can't wait to dive back in to see just what's going to happen next!

As for my casting, I saw different people for Rukia and Isaiah. But as I started reading their story, they changed in my head. I am loving these two so much more than the others. They just seem to fit for me.


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